I was in the pool!

I hear you. I launch it every other week, play a few matches and remember what a bore it is after a few minutes.

Check out more recent, live footage with drummer Aaron Gillespie. Now that, is flawless.

Everyone's a winner!

Vine quickly became a place to steal other people's desktop content. It isn't that hard to point your phone at the Youtube video and release it in-app.

CSS not loaded properly?

Whenever you push hard enough. I heard rocking back n forth helps.

I tuned my snare extra tight because of these guys...

If there was ever a time to check someone's oil, it's during a melee.

Ooooh, la la!

Headlines don't need periods.

I can't wait to not use it.

...and more Flatizzas.

1. Sue Subway

The residents of La Jolla like to consider themselves a separate entity altogether. You're kind of correct...

So many vertical-video offenders. Sadface...

I thought someone had illustrated my dick with a button-up shirt!

The Prestiged guys tend to team up with other Prestiged guys. Running solo will get you into matches quickly but most of the time pit you against entire teams of guys that haven't left the couch, pooping in diapers and living off of Funyuns and Mountain Dew. Get beasted, n00b!11!!!!!

That's the app and its designers' fault. Not Apple.

Nope. Just think backwards.