
“Any one of those 5 is better than any new car on market right now.”

Did your hot wheels collection as a kid cap out at two nice ones with one fun one? I think not. More cars are part of the jalop life even if they are two repairs away from the junk yard. 

Their plan to reduce their fleet by replacing current rust buckets with new rust buckets proves we’re not dealing with a logical person. Therefore, they will not accept a logical answer. The only thing left to do is mash everything possible from the cavalier, F150, and ranger into the Rodeo and then baja

The 2 words that combine to make the word Jalopnik should answer your question.

The van driver should have pulled over on his own Accord. Now he’ll going to get a Civic lesson on hit and runs. Hopefully the punishment Fits the crime and he goes on an Odyssey to his local penitentiary.

Found footage from just before said dancing...

Oh wait, I got excited and thought this was a La Parka party.

I think at this point, it’s not digging Infiniti’s grave, but dancing on it.

I hope the spindle grill is larger and more spindly. splindlike. spindlish.

Wow I got meme'd that's so cool. I guess I am officially an "internet person" now.

It doesn’t come with a Toyota I6.

The question is “what’s the point of the partnership?” and it’s all I talk about in the article. I liked driving the Supra more than the Z4, it should just get the same updates.

I’m in Nevada, actually. But yes. 

Jalopnik has writers in Michigan, California, Nevada, and North Carolina. Comparatively few of us work out of NYC. 

Some people who know and love cars and don’t live in NYC would be nice.”

I love cars. I own two, modifying both.

I’m also a human who can see that I’m a part of the problem and do what I can to minimize the damage I do.

It is easy to do both. Jalopnik’s target demo seems to be smart people who like cars but don’t want to be the direct cause of the ruination of human life. Don’t be a

Move the office, or, hire remote workers. A bunch of millenials in New York city that are completely disconnected from the automotive world. NYC is not a haven for enthusiasts. Also, hire Steph and Kristen back with salaries they can actually live on.

I will always remember when my father in law passed away and I went to return his lease. The dealership refused to take it back. It was the most baffling thing.

It’s great that you want to personally support USPS, but lets not get the idea that the citizens need to step up and give extra money for them to survive. They are a government program that is supposed to be funded by our tax dollars. This whole funding problem is happening because our government is letting us down...