
It's safe to assume these people are fucking morons because they're acting like fucking morons. 

Fuck these selfish assholes.

So you defend Kanye’s use of the N-word? Seems to me that your just a sheep that follows the herd without stopping to do what is right.

Please explain how you can defend Kanye’s use of the N-word.

So you dont think Kanye saying the N-word is an issue at all? Not like young minds are listening to his music or anything..... (sarcasm, thats sarcasm)

So you just omit the largest offender of the use of this word....because its a argument? 

Asking the question doesn’t automatically make someone racist. Jumping the gun and going straight to the race car does show that you can’t answer the question on an intellectual level, though. And by “you” I mean mainstream America.

Just asking this is going to make me “automatically a racist” but why can some people say it without repercussion and some people say it and they get fired?

Or was it a shock because of an electrical glitch?

As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog

Vans are more practical for pretty much everything you just mentioned.

Just what the world needs right now, a selfish fuck like you “calling people out” for being selfish fucks. Nice work! You’re really helping society and we all really appreciate your sacrifice.

Oh just a 100,000 dead in the US?

I mean, if me buying not a crosstrek would save thousands of people, I’ll drive my shitty Forte forever.

Thank you for this. Comments blasting the styling sound dumb as all hell. The styling is sophisticated and the color is unique without being garish. Some people simply have no taste.

Jalopnik commentariat: “Nobody tries anything different.”

well now i’m REALLY not going to buy one. hmph.

COTD if we still did them.

Absolutely ridiculous. This car looks like other cars. They are trying too hard and need to try again, even harder this time. Lately this car company has been getting better but now they’ve gone and messed it all up. Listen to me, my opinion is correct because I own an older car which was the best of its kind. Now my

But the right-wing media fapped itself into oblivion yesterday because Dr. Birx told us we don’t need any ventilators.