
it amazes me when i hear people say stuff like this. AOS, The Flash, Game of Thrones, etc….the whole gambit of tv shows… and the internet crowd proclaims "they finally listened to the fans" as if they didnt have this stuff planned or are still filming episodes

I dont think that was "gay panic" …any guy, gay or straight…hell any woman for that matter would take what he said as an insult because even if you were sucking dick, whether you're male or female, the Lord of Bones was talking shit in general. He wasnt calling them gay he was calling Tormund a bitch basically
To call

SO you totally just ignore how this fits into the story to call it gratuitous, even though it did not show the act or focus on it. You should really watch shows for what they are showing and not for life values. It's been said over and over so i'm not the only one that gets the scene and storylines in context of

Exactly. I also think it shows a meaningful breaking point for Theon AND Sansa herself. She'll never trust LittleFinger either for leaving her there

if it makes no sense to you, you should watch the last few seasons of game of thrones. Google Ramsey Snow

seems to be a brutal world for everyone involved…those they seem to want to say it's just like that for woman are being obtuse and basically not caring about the horrors done to numerous people on the show and in the books so that you can focus on your politcal agendas. Lets leave that aside and focus on what's being

You said "You know, I basically want Sansa to be queen and then burn all these people to the ground. But if it takes until the last episode of the last season for her to claim some power and to no longer be victimized, that won't make this okay."

They seem to not be understanding that

yeah the bleeding hearts here ignore castrations, whore murders by Joffrey, multiple beaheadings, a pregnant woman getting stabbed to death, The Stark's mother cutting an innocent woman's throat…..but rape always give people the feels…..:( Rape is horrible but all the people claiming it does nothing for the story are

A cursory google search would have turned up that this does match Jeyne Pooles' book storyline and that Sansa has taken that story thread and this did happen to Jeyne Poole…actually it was much worse and more graphic for Jeyne

like someone said above. the sad thing is two fold. one that rape happens at all. 2 that those that defend one way or the other totally disregard the possibility of the other way or just write it off. To claim rape doesnt happen or is provoked is sad and untrue but to claim it and child molestation are not easy blows

so you'de be dumb right?

you missed the whole point in every single one of my post that i am defending him. fuck off dipshit and learn to read

most assuredly huh? yfr

THAT i can actually stand behind

I can see that. I kept wondering what was this "Joss Whedon Buffy Xander Fillian moment everyone was looking for to validate this as whedon-esque" lol…The actually does have those whedon moments which were partially always written by his bro and sister in law but i dont think these fans really appreciate the whedon

not a huge joss whedon fan or hater but people are idiots for blaming everything on this guy. He isnt a writer or showrunner for the show. This isnt Firefly. People are throwing "typical whedon" complaintes out there are idiots. Not a fan or hater of Obama but it's the same kind of deal, this guy may "run" something

stop blaming shit on Joss Whedon. he doesnt have anything to do with the show really

i felt the same way. i immediately realized she is going to be fine after but first shot was like "aw no shit(slight giggle) second shot was like "aw shit, they let him put two in her gut" i actually read a pretty good article about the way cough cough, mutants preonounced "inhumans",special people,or anything marvel

agent nerd girl even shielded the grenade during their fight