
Cruise on over to Rhode Island and get you some New York System Hot Wieners. Meat sauce, onions, mustard, and celery salt to really seal the deal. Flavorful enough to contemplate, cohesive enough to wolf down.  

As someone who hates IPAs as much as you, you’re probably the least equipped to say there’s no art to them, or that there’s no nuance in the style. I personally hate russian imperial stouts and so wouldn’t be able to tell a mediocre brew from something well-crafted by a talented brewery - that’s the boat you’re in

As someone who adores American hops, I hate when they’re used as a crutch to fix a beer of some other style. It’s almost always the sign of a mediocre brewery - and it’s easier to weed them out if they don’t have a lot of style variety in their lineup.

“Expecting perfection?” So critique is expecting perfection now? Where did you people come from, where you can’t even process critique of art or media without becoming angry or afraid?

Four of those are stouts, so maybe you just don’t like those. Maybe try an oktoberfest beer? A hefeweizen? something more light and refreshing (that’s not an IPA) or something sweeter might be what you’re looking for. Maybe a saison. There’s an incredible variety in beer but so many beer lovers seem to only drink

In some cases and in some ways, it IS better if outsiders don’t invest at all. Defenders of gentrification always seem to miss that fundamentally, the entrance of businesses like this facilitates rising home prices, meaning the people who are supposedly benefiting from outside investment can’t even afford to live in

Yeah, like, I personally wouldn’t expect someone with a career to protect to make a preemptive public apology if nothing has even come out (as long as they make sincere private apologies and efforts to right their wrongs/improve themselves). But in this case there were rumors and reportings of allegations long before

Right? Why is Twitter frustration ever equated with censorship? I remember someone on the A.V. Club accused me of silencing Bill Maher cuz I condemned his use of a racial slur. Me, a random commenter on a barely known culture website, was apparently silencing a man with a fucking television show.

I dunno man I think it’s a good exercise in human decency and mutual respect to be conscientious about the words you say. I find 9/10 people who “politically correct” someone do so in a good-natured and reasonably gentle way, and that it only becomes conflictual when the person being corrected decides their ability to

Like, I could say “I think political correctness has gone too far” when talking about how the left shouldn’t ‘cancel’ activists who’ve done really important work because of something in their distant past or a technicality in their politics. But another person can say that same phrase to claim that he should be able

This is pure speculation, but maybe the demographic of people who read and discuss watchmen is disproportionately composed of people whose world fantasies are more “punish those who ruin the world, ‘truth’ should never compromise” and less “I have become the perfect man, and can perfect mankind if they follow my