
In terms of customer service it makes sense but game design is often about giving players what they need over what they want. I probably wouldn't touch objective mode if they had split it from slayer despite having all my best gaming experiences in objective modes.

Dude, of course people are going to misrepresent what you said when you type that many words in an argumentative post. This isn't your blog, people aren't that interested to read your opinion.

2042 becoming a free to play GaaS game in 3...2..

Hate to disagree with you Renata, your takes are generally great. I agree that battlefield is inherently funny, but as you pointed out it relies on juxtaposition, the fact that you can repair penguins is hilarious because its unexpected in a game that presents itself seriously, wouldn’t have the same effect in

It's not about moving centrists. In the US most elections are determined by voter turnout, especially midterms. The republicans have historically had much better turnout in these sorts  of elections and are able to compete with Democrats despite having a lower base of voters.

Athour was under no obligation to use an antonym there, it's a play on words. I mean it's better than still-not-worth-buying-etive edition I guess.

Id say including actual murder is a pretty big step, wouldn't you say?

Hey, I’m a socialist but that doesn’t mean I have to condemn everyone who is trying to make money. I didn’t even notice that some was going to charity and I don’t really care.

If they keep giving more ways to get xp they will need to either decrease xp amount across the board, increases the amount of XP per level or (hopefully) introduce a new battlepass much earlier than planned. As it stands dedicated players will finish this pass by the end of February and not have anything to earn for 3

Glad to hear about your switch!

Thanks for the clarification. I do hope it has neither. There are so many Gameloft games that look and play great but are essentially broken with it's pay to win stuff. I would hope SE's reputation would stop them from doing Gameloft level stuff.

Maybe if they went out and tweeted they don't buy Activision unprompted. But in this case it's relevant to share why you don't buy a certain product when many people think you are spiting the workers by doing so. This is an opinion thread, opinions are appreciated.

Fair enough, sorry for being sassy

There is pricey p2w  stuff but no gacha mechanics? Can you explain the difference?

OP literally pointed out how there are other games to choose from. So any money we don’t spend on Activision goes to another dev studio and help their workers (at least in as much as spending money on Activision puts food on their workers plates). Even if you don’t spend it on games it’s going somewhere to support

Except there HAVE been employees that have said customers should feel empowered to do what they want. You think without a union an employee would be able to call for a boycott and keep their jobs?

No, first of all what's a vent diagram? Second of all you can read the comments and see not everyone who thinks Activision is evil is going to boycott this game.

Not gonna defend yourself, are ye?

You must be fun at parties

Its a constantly available challenge, at least I'm pretty sure, I've earned it 8 times so far today.