
Small technicality, the engine is still in the car. It’s just the blower that blew off the car.

They probably gave him the rate on the condition that he’d have pants on the next time he walked into a PenFed branch.

Well, it helps that you don’t have to line the pockets of the entire executive management staff at Lockheed-Martin.

Orrrr he admired the guy growing up, knew him, got racing advice from him, and - combined with his desire to know who his father is - was motivated to keep searching for the truth.

Art Vandalayism

As one of the interviewees (I’m 54, not 67!), I am really pissed about this article- and that fact that you think everyone that was interviewed agreed with it. I spent a good amount of time with the writer giving him numerous counterpoints to his goal. He wrote none of them. I suspect them same scenario happened with

Now playing

Also, RCR nails the “local car show” scene:

OF COURSE it’s a Mustang.

Always a Mustang driver... and I say that as one of them.

It’s always a Mustang...

Mk 41 tech here.

Wait til these assholes (Washington) get their hands on the Internet. Wake up people.

Some importers try to skirt these rules, illegally, by swapping the VIN from an older car onto a newer one. That's what federal officials allege happened with a 2000 Mini Cooper in New Jersey in December; they claim that car had a 1988 VIN plate that belied its modern stereo and airbags, which is why they had to crush

What would help this article greatly is to show what we are buying instead.

  • Most iconic name in American racing

I know this:

I havent smoked a cigarette since November. I was a half-a-pack a day smoker.
I gradually tapered off to the point that I am vaping less than 2 ml a day, of 4.5 mg/ml.
My car doesn't smell.
My apartment doesn't smell, and I don't have to go outside.
I have spent far less than on cigarettes.
I have what

Hey dude, just to make sure you read this, I'm sorry I said that, it wasn't my intention to insult you like that, but I did, and I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry.

There are many anomalies in the Zone, stalker... Best to avoid them unless you are broke and foolhardy enough to go hunting for artifacts.

the mr2 is quite solid, any of the others I wouldn't want to mess with lol

So you had the bright idea to visit an automotive site when you don't want a race spoiled?