
Or leaving your war games pieces in certain places and going out and then coming back and finding someone has moved them around.

I guess my question is if you find the whole show incredibly stupid, awful and blah blah blah, why watch it? Is someone paying you to watch it or to comment on it? Yeah it wasn't the best season opener, but it served its purpose for showing us where the season is going. Most of their season openers aren't ground

Technically everything after what happens in book 5 is forced. From what I remember in book 4, it was the worst book in the series and I hated every minute of it. In book 5 there is some redemption because it re-focuses on the main characters. I think we need a little tension btwn. Jon and Sansa because he has no

Both shows I really was excited for this spring essentially dealt with major strife between brothers as their main story line. Jimmy\Saul and Chuck on and the Stussy brothers basically showed how brothers fighting with each other brings down more than just the brothers. I really think you could have easily cast Bob

I really wonder what originally started Chuck's illness. Was it his divorce or Jimmy reappearing in his life. It's easy to blame either of those things as those were 2 people he couldn't control like everyone else around him. He should have been proud of his wife succeeding as a musician and of Jimmy trying to be a

I really think this show deserves higher grades than they get here on AV Club. I appreciated the fact that basically last nights episode was about 90% in Spanish and featured a little central\south American history. The whole Daniel being a CIA trained killer in El Salvador during their civil war was great. Rueben

You could arguably say that Narcos is near the same, but even then its about 50/50 sub-titled. But i do think they do deserve a higher grade than a C+ on that merit alone.

Now onto episode 2. It picks up. Love the addition of Dayton Callies. Any Deadwood reunion is a good reunion. Doubt the Ian McShane will show up.

For some crazy reason I am still watching this series, but gave up on TWD. I think its because I like Kim Dickens and have loved Deadwood & Treme and like the other actors on the show. I am giving this another shot, but they definitely need to step it up.

The music was amazing in this first episode. Every scene involving a beat up 80s corvette should play Heart. I will say this episode I didn't have the usual feeling that everything is out of control like I have had in the past. I know that will change but I do love the calm before the storm.

I read a book about the Feud to. Honestly, in the book, up until towards the end, I felt a little bit more pro Joan than pro Better, but after the Oscar stunt, it shifted to more in the middle. I do think we look at Joan's life thru the whole Mommie Dearest book\movie lenses and forget how completely and utterly

I would think what's left is basically the time period up to when Joan died. Oddly Bette's career had a little bit of a comeback with some play and TV appearances. Plus cable started playing all their old movies so a whole new generation was able to watch them in all of their glory. I wonder if Joan had not deemed

It's funny. I just finished a book about this feud and had completely different reactions to the TV series. In the book, I had some admiration for Joan and her ambition in the beginning of her career. I would even say I was pro Joan in the book and pro Bette in the TV series. I get the why Bette treated her that

I am changing my approach to this series. Instead of looking it as a series like the Walking Dead, to me, it's more like the first couple of seasons of Lost! Finding out the characters backstory in the past (especially someone like Strand or Nick) is more interesting then what is going on in the present. I also

The story about the helicopter and baby is actually a true story. PBS's Frontline did a fall of Siagon and in that they actually interviewed the now adult that was a baby then and some of the navy guys who manned the ship. It was amazing, but I love the way Lou tells it to. Monday's are going to suck now (until

I hoping he is the Anton Chigurth of the series. You know he should die, because he has killed everyone, but a part of you wants him to live a little longer. In No Country for Old Men, he gets in a car accident and gets away (spoiler alert)…

That would work for me. Originally I thought that Patrick Wilson kind of played him flatly, but I really like the wok he has done with that character, especially when he references his war background. I could deal with either Keith Carradine or Patrick Wilson playing a 80s\90s version of Lou.

I had read that season 3 was going to be closer to present day, but I am loving the historical parts of the series and would be happy to stay in the 70s or earlier.

Hey Quick question. The detective that "saves" Peggy and Ed and is knocked out, during the shoot out says "Oh Christ, its like Rapid City all over again". What does that mean? I am hoping its a amazing clue for a season 3 setting, but is it something from this season?