
Lived in Senegal, Africa for two years and will agree with you. 

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. The father sounds horrible and the mother saintly. But...and there is a but here...

The “Yellow Vests” were never a coherent group with coherent ideology. After the first couple of protests it was hijacked by the far-right and it fizzled in large part because many of the people who originally protested quit.

You’re really stretching that “mostly”.

So you are an apologist as well. Not shocking.

Yes, she explicitly repeated his talking points about using chemical weapons on his own people. You’re repeating the rather dishonest interpretation her campaign has been using to try and justify the indefensible. 

How the fuck is she right on Syria. Do you think the US should be bombing Syria more, just in support of the Assad regime? Because that’s Tulsi’s position. 

A nobody candidate who wants the endorsement of a nobody candidate is going to go nowhere. Drop out and stop wasting time and taking up oxygen. This isn’t a game; we need to consolidate support among the top tier candidates if we are to gain enough support for a candidate or two to topple Biden.

That definitely sums up Gabbard. Her “anti-imperialism” is the type weaponized by disinformation ops like RT. She’s a representative of the conspiratorial fringe of the left, mirrored in type if not influence by the QAnon types on the right. Her apologia for Assad alone is disqualifying.

And we’re back to moral relativism and nihilistic deflection. I’m not asking you to support United States policy in Syria or anywhere else in the world. I don’t care whether you do or don’t. I’m certainly not concerned about whether Gabbard supports American foreign policy positions. Opposing American foreign policy

Do you feel trapped by the question? Because I noticed that you spent a lot of words trying to avoid answering it. 

What Gabbard has done is allow herself to become an extension of the Assad propaganda machine, and your inability to acknowledge that and instead focus on “her stance on American intervention in Syria” sticks out like a sore thumb. This is ultimately the problem too many progressives have when trying to “think out” a

Yep. I live in deeply red district and I still vote for the Democrat because it matters. And I take comfort in the fact that about 25-26% that vote blue too. I adopted the vote blue no matter who (except Tulsi Gabbard) and I’ll keep shouting that. I know no matter who the gets the nomination is a better choice than

Do you think Bashar al-Assad is a war criminal who has used, for example, barrel bombs and chemical weapons against his own people? Is it your position that rebels fighting against the Assad regime are “terrorists”?

Gabbard is also a favorite of Bannon and Trump. And she has had the benefit of Russian trolls pushing for her.

She secretly went to Syria to meet with Assad in an unofficial capacity while serving as a member of the United States House of Representatives, and has repeatedly refused to acknowledge that he’s a war criminal (which he objectively is) when offered the opportunity since. Whether she “supports” authoritarians or not,

Tulsi Gabbard didn’t get her views from being “raised in a Christian household”. It’s almost the opposite, kind of. She was raised in a strange Hindu adjacent cult which had (still has maybe. He might be alive) a “charismatic” leader who had “strong” feelings about issues like homosexuality and a woman’s place in

Yeah, uh, if we’re playing the “You’re only [x] amount of time removed from a bad taek” game, then Tulsi Gabbard probably loses.

Gabbard is getting a bit of that after her, admittedly effective, challenge of Harris last night. The fact that everybody knows she’ll be gone soon allows people to ignore the fact that she was an avowed homophobe even after she became a public persona who, like Jill Stein before her, cynically allows murderous authori

I don’t get the misguided love this person got over some wonderfully timed platitudes. Her mindless vaccine takes and bullshit pseudoscience background are more than enough to dismiss her as a cuckoo for cocoa puffs numpty head who fooled more people than I thought possible.