
I’ve always thought the virality of it all depended on the attractiveness of the person -- seems like each case that went viral, the woman was considered attractive. But Charlo is a beautiful woman, so that throws that theory out. 

As a percentage of white girls who go missing, how many get national media coverage?

It does make sense. I mean, based on current real world information, racists are among the group least likely to seek out vaccinations or other medical assistance in the event of a zombie plague. I bet they just lost their MAGA hats in the zombie shuffle.

“new world order globalist.” (I am not delusional enough to be familiar with the latter terms)

Wish there was a way to guest op these blog posts. There’s a lot to be mad about, but disparaging a study without actually reading or understanding it just creates confusion around academic inquiry for folks who don’t or can’t read scholarly articles and dissect the methodology and results... :-/

Truer words were never spoken. I mean this motherfucker was RIGHT THERE putting up a barricade on the door and now claims they were peaceful tourists. I mean, RIGHT THERE. There are actual PHOTOS of his BARRICADING the door, and he claims it was a peaceful gathering.

Knives Out was badly written? You really want to criticize someone else's writing?

First of all, you literally mentioned Hamas. Second, it’s incredibly disingenuous to talk about Israeli and Palestinian deaths and pretend that Hamas, the ones trying to kill the Israelis, are not part of the conversation.

Hamas’s goal with their rocket strikes is to kill as many civilians as possible, which is why they target civilian population. That they are not very successful at it does not give them the moral high ground, in the same way that Israel does not exactly have the moral high ground when they bomb military objectives but

I can’t believe you think a response to a tweet by a celebrity is giving anyone a “more thorough and true telling of this violence.”

Her “I wish for peace between my country and our neighbors” statement is pretty basic and the disproportionate response to it is more about attacking her as a proxy for the Israeli government due to her visibility. Holding a person accountable in this way for the actions of others due to their sharing the same

You forgot the /s.

It’s not antisemitic to condemn violence perpetrated by the Israeli government.

Now I’m kinda wondering what part of Airplane people thing is racist. The jokes are poking fun at stereotypes, and the mom from Leave it to Beaver speaking “jive” is hilarious.

Sacks of shit like this guy are why I’m not against the death penalty.

Are y’all serious?

I can’t watch the stuff with the rabbit in the beginning. I have wild rabbits I feed, mostly to keep them out of my garden, and I’m on my 2nd generation this Spring. They’re so tame they sit and wait for me to bring them greens and baby carrots.

Memorizing lines in the persona of a fictional character about fictional people is a situation where there are zero practical or emotional stakes. That’s not really analogous to speaking honestly about someone who was a friend and professional collaborator for almost 20 years. If he says this is hard for him I see

Correct.. and the vast majority of that junk will not survive re-entry with earth - it will burn up into particles, posing almost no risk to humans or wildlife. However, when we send up rockets, NASA and the European space agency (speaking of today, not in decades past) takes great caution to ensure its boosters come

The reaction to online criticism of the CCP’s Space Agency’s recklessness is interesting to watch.  It’s like watching Faux News whataboutism, but from Beijing instead.