
Under the Venezuelan constitution, the leader of the National Assembly is interim president. Is there a National Assembly in the US led by Mitch McConnell?

I guess you missed the fact that Guaido was elected to his position.

I think it’s more the far left than liberals, but I certainly agree with your point.

Non-Americans have no agency and no rights, sorry. If leftists in the US want Maduro, then the people of Venezuela should shut up and accept their fate.

Bet folks here were excited to see Maduro’s tanks running over people today. Very progressive stuff.

This is possibly worse:

Not only are those idiots here, but now in this very thread there’s someone who thinks the problem with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is that America didn’t like it.

The US didn’t back OBL, who wouldn’t have been in Afghanistan in the first place if the Soviets had kept their tanks out.

Bush and Cheney got away with taking Iraq’s oil.

Yeah, the poor guy... tsk.

“Fuck to”

I love kinja formatting.

Yep, but in Maltese.

His last name means “father of chickens.” I think it’s important for chickens to have a good male role model.

Their motto has always been that they’re remaining and expanding. They’ve lost their so-called caliphate and have been beaten down, but they’re still trying to hold on and expand into new areas. E.g.:

I fucking hate the House of Saud, you sectarian weirdo, and have never said one goddamn word in support of their crimes against humanity in Yemen or anywhere else.

The US government doesn’t like Iran, therefore some people feel obligated to defend the mullah regime.

Tell that to gay men in Iran. Oh, wait, you can’t, because they’re hanging from cranes.