
Got a good tip a few years ago. “When you finished your tweet (or comment, I cant remember anymore), copy it, open it in Word, take a short break and then read it again before you post it.

You know, at this point it’s no longer a bug. This is a feature.

12 years is a LONG time to have a name, especially if you created it when you were a kid. You shouldn’t be penalized to deal with a name of something you liked literally ages ago. 

This. This is the reason we have governments. We shouldn’t be celebrating a private citizen for stepping in, we should be lamenting the fact that we have so completely neutered the ability of the government to do its job. A civilized country would have fixed this years ago.

The evolution of the locomotive threatened stokers on steam trains.

Isn’t that what the federal government is supposed to be doing, you know getting off its fucking ass and investing in infrastructure all across the country, because according to Trump and co, the economy is doing so damn well, but no, let’s give a few trillion + in tax cuts to the already wealthy and pay for that by

Actually you can

I have nothing negative to say about Musk opening his checkbook for a cause we should ALL be able to agree, is worthy but the fact that an individual/company is doing something the government should be doing, for something that we can all agree, is a basic necessity, is abhorrent.

I was considering working on something similar in my spare time. It would be interesting to see what a completely AI illustrated manga or webcomic would be like.

If there was ever a time for a Chinese knockoff Switch to be made with actual decent specs.

Sure do love all the perfect parents in this comment section who have never, ever fucked up, not even once. Not even when they are tired, or stressed, or sick, or overworked or running on fumes.

Just another example of racism against 3-pedaled vehicles.

So according to white person pulled from the greys the forced separation of children from parents and placing them in concentration camps, destroying records so that they can’t be reunited, all for seeking asylum and/or committing a civil misdemeanor isn’t an actual issue or mistreatment. 

Get used to it. It’s the hot trend for 2019.

If only Mexico had beaten Sweden, then this would have been the greatest sports day in Korean history (including hosting the World Cup 16 years ago). 

If North Korea can party with the United States, South Korea can party with Mexico. 

Those German’s just don’t do well anywhere on the Volga river. 

The real takeaway from all this is if you’re having trouble getting a timely response from Valve, send your grievances to Kotaku who Valve apparently has an eagle eye out for. How much for a Kotaku email address?

Though, by getting his game on Kotaku he’s gotten it far more exposure than it ever would! Steam is just hell for discovery for new games. So maybe it ends up being a net positive for him - I hope.