
The ad is a bit much? I think you mean perfect!

By associating with Bucky and Iron Man, Iron Man wanted to kill Bucky. Cap wasn’t having that. Vengeance doesn’t have to be yours to consume you.

Someone didn’t really pay attention.

Someone hasn’t played BO3. It’s much more different than any Cod before it. Story kinda starts getting confusing in the end, but it’s nice to see the change. And you kind of travel back in time at some point. These guys now have 3 years to work on these games too.

I agree with all of that, but they also had the commando knifing, the tac insertion, one man army noobtubes, and a game ending killstreak. It was really bad, but even with all of that or when you had matches without that it was so much fun to play. My favorite thing was running around just using throwing knives, it

No. You have to restart, but it made sense, you were getting out of that alive if it were real life.

Balanced? Hahahahahahaha maybe if you compared just the guns but the game was far from balanced. It was addicting and a lot of fun though.

Not everyone is doing this, and most maps don’t really flow like that with wall running. They’re still great, but just not on par with the map(Redwood) also make sure you’re using the perk afterburner so you can boost around without falling.

Wall running wasn’t a part of Advanced Warfare, though I think I would have liked that.

As someone that plays everyday, you are gonna have to practice just doing those types of jumps and runs. I’ve never seen anything like that in a game. The wall running is well done and flows well with all the maps, but you’ll never see people just doing that. You’re also limited to the time you can run on a wall too,