
Now I want to know how that conversation with Rosa during Academy went. Was Jake just describing it and then while describing it decided that "Man Sprinkler" was the best thing to name it?

I actually started watching B99 fully expecting Amy to be my favorite character, since I tend to always favor the nerdy and perfectionistic characters. I was so surprised when Rosa actually ended up being my favorite instead!

Their friendship is seriously my absolute favorite. I don't know what it is about it that makes me love it so much… they just love and trust each other and it's wonderful. They're gonna be friends forever. I also just love how much they value each other's friendship and opinions. This episode gave me a lot of

I would so watch that. Better than forcing him to be a superhero, at any rate.

Their whole tomboy/girly girl dynamic certainly doesn't hurt, either.

Rosa said that so sensually, too, that I'm pretty sure if that line was taken out of context, I would assume "binder" was a euphemism.

That picture always makes me want a fic of them as kid detectives because that honestly seems like that would be an awesome story to read.

This episode definitely reawakened my inner Amy/Rosa shipper.

I was thinking it'd be Alex. But having it be Kara would be pretty cool, and would make up for all the times this show has abused the "coming out" metaphor. :P

I've seen people pair Rosa with Cece when talking about this crossover, which has always really confused me. (Maybe Rosa's rather masculine personality is what makes me not understand this pairing?) But then I think about it, and I'm not sure who else would fit. Maybe that is due to Cece's blandness. I've watched

….it honestly felt to me that Simpson was the love interest to Trish. (Before he went berserk anyway.) It's not like being Simpson's love interest was Trish's primary role, and she was more prominent than Simpson was, anyway. Her primary role was being Jessica's best friend.

Plus, with twins, one of them is always evil (at least according to Jake)…

The first scene, with the flashback, I found rather depressing because of how normal Jessica's life was before the accident that killed her family. Also, holy crap, it was so creepy how meticulously Kilgrave arranged the stuff in her house so that it would resemble her childhood home completely. Every episode, I