You bet your bottom dollar that the cops who resigned probably moonlight under white hoods.
You bet your bottom dollar that the cops who resigned probably moonlight under white hoods.
We’ve had time to focus on hybrids. It’s time to take the next step.
We get it. You hate being a millennial. It just does not make sense to defend Boomers. Gen-X wants that boomer wealth and power so bad but this is the generation once referred to as slackers.
I have a hard time believing that you’re part of either generation.
Gen-Xers are too busy posting Facebook memes about how they used to play outside after dark and hit their head on everything because, no helmets back then.
Boomers are still trying to wreck the world by holding up meaningful change.
The same crowd that talks about jewish space lasers. In fact, anyone running against MTG just needs to debunk/refute the shit she’s said. Might not help them beat her but she deserves to be humiliated every which way possible.
And it’s mainly conservatives doing this shit because naturally, their ideology fears/derides change of any sort.
Eat shit, blumpkin-lover.
That defeatist attitude doesn’t help.
You just described what these two depraved morons do on a Saturday night.
I got spanked and still rejected conservatism. Corporal punishment is child abuse. No ifs, ands or buts.
I can see where the Trump kids went wrong. They weren’t disciplined enough.
Roger Waters behavior is peak boomer entitlement.
I unfollowed someone because every day they’d have a different Depp meme and it was a waste of time to try and find out WHY.
I saw people on my FB cheering on Depp and reposting disgusting pro-Depp content.
It makes me sick how people were lionizing Depp as if he was St.Johnny. Fuck that miserable old drunk.
Grab the popcorn. We’re about to (or already have) watched a man destroy his own career.
The world just reached EIGHT BILLION people. There is no “underpopulation crisis.”