Officer Rod Farva

Why are meatless nuggets included? They’re not real chicken nuggets. 

How do you know that it’s only rich people buying EVs? Classism doesn’t help either.

Some companies do but the enthusiasts aren’t buying them. They’d rather waste time lamenting over (what they believe to be) a lack of 3 pedals.

Should be the first result when you google him.

Well, at least he doesn’t look like a human penis and ride to space in a penis-shaped rocket. Bezos either has the biggest penis around or he’s overcompensating majorly.


Carry on with your nose buried up Elon’s ass.

Tell that to Elon because if/once he buys Twitter, he’ll probably clamp down on criticism of himself.

And yet, he still has legions of dumbass stans to show up on every article about him. I bet they think that being a part of the cult of Elon will make them rich. 

It’s not normal to make assumptions without facts. Unless you’ve seen the report or accident pictures, you’re just full of shit.

*in before the belligerant horde of Musk stans*

Nancy Reagan had it the wrong way. Should be “Just say no” to blowjobs, not drugs.

Well yeah. Maybe I’ve been listening too much to guys/gals that say that paying for sex is for losers, guys that can’t get laid, etc. That’s why I steer clear.

Because the mouth-breathers that buy tickets are making him rich. He knows his audience and what they want. If people decided he was full of shit and stopped buying tickets, he’d be another washed-up comedian. Let’s hope it gets to that point. Not holding my breath.

It’s not counter-productive to demand accountability. 

I’d argue that the conservative justices don’t deserve extra security. They’re all slimy scum that should be flushed down the sewer.

Catholic church is archaic and irrelevant. I’m pissed at Pope Francis for suggesting that the war in Ukraine was “provoked”. Fuck off, Francis.

According to these archaic institutions, nothing is ever their fault. It’s always the fault of those who’ve done nothing to harm anyone.

“Do your own research” translates to “only get your news from right wing sources.”

What part of AT-WILL employment do people not understand?

No, that’s an employee making a huge mistake and allowing it to go on while people take advantage of it.

Look, I’m not a fan of capitalism either but it’s time that people recognize this for what it is. Carelessness.

He should be charged for theft. That’s just bullshit. It’s bad enough that everything’s expensive but this idiocy will only make it MORE expensive for EVERYONE.