Officer Rod Farva

And it’s ridiculous how her career was (hopefully temporary) stalled by the marijuana thing. It sounds to me like she’s struggling to stake out her place and everything else (the ex, weed) are distractions in her way. Best of luck.

I’d love to tell them to get a job. All of that fake protesting must have caused them to go broke.

She’s not wrong. I wouldn’t want to live in Georgia either or any of these “best for business (not for living)“ states in the South. 

So, he’s hiring edgelord lawyers then? Good luck. This is the NHTSA, not some ordinary rando that hurt Elon’s feelings online.

In before the Cult of Musk (tm) shows up to spill tears.

I see he got a Roddy Bryan haircut.

There’s always the option of skipping over this article. Or have people truly forgotten how to read?

You’re also a bore.

I think of him more as a goody-two-shoes. His comedy doesn’t seem gritty to me but then again, I haven’t seen much of his material yet.

And it sounds like another excuse to give Chappelle a pass. Just wait another year or two. I bet Chappelle’s schtick will get so old, people just stop going. If all you’ve got for material is punching down, good luck.

Exactly. George Carlin always made a point of punching up, even if some of the shit he said wouldn’t fly today.

Though, why in the hell would John Mulaney throw away his goodwill for Dave Chappelle of all of the people? At least PICK SOMEONE FUNNY!

Comedians don’t want their shit leaked? Or are they just afraid of FREE SPEECH? I paid good money and if I want to record 30 seconds of something that I find funny, FUCK YOU DAVE. Comedians today are a bunch of crybabies anyway. SHUT UP AND BE FUNNY!

I can’t help but wonder if George Carlin would be saying the same

He’s gotten so petty as to work hecklers into his act. Talk about being triggered.

He’s doing it because it creates outrage and makes him money. I’d say he had a negative experience with a trans person in the past and that might color his view somewhat.

The A/V Club reaction is to “suck it up” if you don’t like the opening act. How bout NO? If someone pays to see John Mulaney, they shouldn’t be ambushed by whatever outrage comedian is trending at the moment.

While these comedians are crying and bickering about PC, they’re asking audience members to lock their phones.

That’s not how it works but go ahead, keep on defending Dave Chappelle’s right to shit all over people.

Low T?

I see plenty of steep stairwells are available as well.

Found the welfare queens the right used to claim existed...

I bet dollars to donuts that he’s pro-life as well. Again, it’s not about dead fetuses but rather CONTROLLING WOMEN.

It’s that baby arm that Pete carries around that seems to do the trick. Did that even come up when they were discussing him? Maybe Ted Cruz doesn’t know about that. His head would explode if so.