Rip their heads off and shit down their throats.
Rip their heads off and shit down their throats.
I feel that natural gas isn’t a better option. I spoke with someone who lives near a rock quarry and they told me that an errant blast could rupture natural gas lines. This would level an entire neighborhood if it happened.
I’m personally just opposed to using more gas, period. I don’t even like propane because of the…
I’m willing to pay a little more for gas. I just only drive when I need to. I did see diesel prices recently here and they’re pretty close to $5/gal. Yikes.
I bet a decent percentage of them are felons.
They aren’t ever coming back to D.C. More bluster from a group of morons that are obviously being bankrolled by shady provocateurs on the right.
I’m cautiously optimistic that maybe, just MAYBE more young people will be fueled to vote by this. I could be wrong.
Gaetz is lucky he’s not in prison right now, in general population. In fact, that’s exactly the sentence I’d impose upon him if I were a judge and he was found guilty.
That’s the problem with the extreme right. They are CLUELESS AS FUCK when it comes to social conventions and will resort to name-calling the same way a…
What’s your point? I simply have little patience for clowns and trolls.
Arby’s definitely won’t be going vegan any time. They have all the meats!
I usually block assholes on Twitter. I bet when these clowns show up, there will be either an exodus of rational folks or more people being blocked. It won’t stop them from using bots though.
I don’t understand this fucking world either. I thought that I did but every year, every election, is a step closer to the end of this nation as we know it.
I keep hoping this “leak” shows everyone what a piece of shit Alito and the other conservative SCOTUS freeloaders are.
This country is DOA.
He’s already canceled some debt so there’s no reason why he can’t cancel more. It wouldn’t be easy, but doesn’t seem impossible.
Yeah. You get 2 broken legs. I fail to see a benefit. It’s better to accept who you are. I personally am nothing special to look at and that’s fine with me.
It’s Forbes. I wouldn’t trust them.
He has the legal authority. He just won’t do it. Again, worried about costing Democrats seats more than getting votes.
Funny how you assume that all people with student loans are millennials. Are you telling me that Gen Xers never had to take out loans? Getting tired of this (fake) generational hatred. I remember when it was agreeable that Boomers were destroying everything. Now we got Gen X “longing for the good ‘ol days”. *shudder*
If student loan debt makes them angry, better not tell them about the military budget or all of those tax cuts for the rich (which they didn’t deserve).
I ignore those people who whine because they have no idea what it’s like. It’s true that being young and stupid can make you sign up for loans that you will never be…
Gotta love the GOP class warfare line at the end. GOP populism is a joke perpetuated upon the working class because they really don’t give a shit.
Biden won’t cancel it because he’s too worried about the impact it will have on his re-election bid. What a pussy. It just gave the GOP an opening to try and change the student loan system to maximize the pain on people who can’t pay it off.