Officer Rod Farva

Seems like the “news” of fluctuating follower counts is still being peddled. Judging by the fact that 46% of Elon Musks’s own followers are bots, perhaps it was just another routine bot purge that just happened to coincide with the news of the purchase?

He’s already canceled some debt so there’s no reason why he can’t cancel more. It wouldn’t be easy, but doesn’t seem impossible.

Yeah. You get 2 broken legs. I fail to see a benefit. It’s better to accept who you are. I personally am nothing special to look at and that’s fine with me.

It’s Forbes. I wouldn’t trust them.

He has the legal authority. He just won’t do it. Again, worried about costing Democrats seats more than getting votes.

Funny how you assume that all people with student loans are millennials. Are you telling me that Gen Xers never had to take out loans? Getting tired of this (fake) generational hatred. I remember when it was agreeable that Boomers were destroying everything. Now we got Gen X “longing for the good ‘ol days”. *shudder*

If student loan debt makes them angry, better not tell them about the military budget or all of those tax cuts for the rich (which they didn’t deserve).

I ignore those people who whine because they have no idea what it’s like. It’s true that being young and stupid can make you sign up for loans that you will never be

Gotta love the GOP class warfare line at the end. GOP populism is a joke perpetuated upon the working class because they really don’t give a shit.

Biden won’t cancel it because he’s too worried about the impact it will have on his re-election bid. What a pussy. It just gave the GOP an opening to try and change the student loan system to maximize the pain on people who can’t pay it off.

You’d have to be a very stupid man to think that tanning your balls ups your testosterone level. Ditto for those dumbasses getting their legs broken.

This conference should be renamed the “Male Insecurity Conference” because that’s what it really is.

Religious conservatives always need something/someone to hate because in reality, they’re going to hell once they’re dead. No amount of jesus freakin’ will save their souls.

This is just another argument against conservatism and against the GOP. They’re clearly overreaching and proving that they were never the party of freedom.

Please, don’t use trans kids as a rallying cry for bigotry. I have a friend who recently transitioned from female to male and I hate the idea of him and others

Nazis in wheelchairs and steep stairwells do not get along.

I don’t feel sorry for this snowflake. Mommy and Daddy are paying for his mistakes but let’s try and see them get him out of losing a primary to someone else in his party. That will happen. If not, his legal troubles will eventually get him.

If THIS along with with Marjorie Trailer Queen and Lauren Bobo are the future

I was thinking about this until I realized that maybe it’s best I stay in my own lane. I might try Tik Tok but until then, I have no real comment. Getting older doesn’t mean that you have to be a curmudgeon.

I’ve been getting by without a microwave for 4 years and don’t miss it. I actually just decided to use my stove(s) wherever I lived as much as possible. The result is better tasting food, even if it takes a little longer.

I mean, look at Chevy Chase. No one wants to work with him.

If the companies truly care, they’ll leave Texas and Florida EN MASSE. They won’t so fat chance of anything being done on their part.

I’ll call the asshole whatever I please. Pretty lame thing to nitpick over, IMHO.

Florida’s edging them out with their stupid “Stop WOKE” bill and “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Let’s see the courts beat them down when they try to enforce this shit.