Officer Rod Farva

Tik-Tok is Idiocracy for Gen-Z. Seriously, who does this stupid shit and why?

Must be nice to be afforded that luxury.

That’s what I heard. He chose the legacy of being a colossal pervert. I’ll be happy if that’s all people remember of him in say...5 years.

They could have paid a licensing fee and called it Tech TV again.

It sounds like something an incel would do. It takes a special type of creeper to be “ok” with masturbating in front of a woman who didn’t ask to see it in the first place. 

I read the part about Brett Ratner masturbating in front of Olivia Munn and EWWWWWWWWWW. What kind of pervert thinks that this behavior is acceptable?

Sorry that it caught my eye but it’s still within the context of creepy male behavior.

THIS should be illegal because it leaves no way for someone who’s Deaf to order at all. I can’t even go to Wendys or KFC anymore because they’ve gone to drive-thru only and that’s a massive gripe of mine. More businesses need to offer curbside. At least McDonalds still has curbside, though they often get assholes

What’s wrong with office coffee? I enjoy not having to pay for coffee at work because it keeps me going. I even make a fresh pot if I take the last of it.

I got blocked in by a drive thru line at Dunkin a few weeks back. Had to gingerly back out without hitting any cars so I could get out of the lot safely.

For all the shit that gas station coffee gets, it’s hassle-free and where I live at least, we get stuff like Green Mountain Coffee, VT Coffee Co. and even Speeder and Earls on tap. It’s dependent on which gas stations as there are several local chains.

Starbucks is garbage too.

Support local shops.

The coffee is overrated. It’s all about image. Same idea as people who wrap around a Dunkin’. Dunkin’ is also overpriced for what it is but that won’t stop people.

Gotta love this country. You got a millionaire prying into the lives of people who work for him AND dipshits doing their little “pay it forward” thing in the drive through. I feel awful for these folks and it makes me want to be more mindful of how I TREAT them. 

Some people call them “loanies” and “toanies”.

Antonio Brown has a questionable history with the truth himself. 

I don’t understand why people bother to bend over backwards to defend Antonio Brown’s behavior when Antonio Brown already has a questionable history in the NFL/outside the NFL. The dude is no saint and I still think he’s full of shit. 

I’m sure they’ll be the new buddies for whatever prison gang is in there. Roddy Bryan looks he’s always sad so they’ll probably sack him first.

Has Arbery’s mother considered suing the defense for libel?

I hope the McMichaels and Roddy burn in hell. I would not be shocked if they die before they complete their sentences. Rot in hell, McMichaels!

By the way, “Al Bundy” is just a placeholder. I’m not here to act like the actual Al Bundy.