
Make sure you check the prices on camel camel camel or some price tracker. They had a deal like this around Black Friday and a lot of the prices had been jacked up.

Make sure you check the prices on camel camel camel or some price tracker. They had a deal like this around Black

Ran it through fake spot and doesn’t look great. Got an F

Ran it through fake spot and doesn’t look great. Got an F

I know this doesn't apply in this situation but when I hear about swatting on residential premises my 1st thought is always "shouldn't it be more difficult for the police to bust into a persons house without any type of real evidence?"

Sue Storm is adopted in this version.

I just used the voice command to turn the wifi on and off without any issue on my nexus 6.

That is very true but sometimes I'd like some level of assurance that something is going to worthwhile before I dress up go out and spend money. I hate doing a movie date with the wife and going to a bad movie, even worse if you also pick a bad restaurant.

Did he bash some of the reviews of this thing with a link to a Gizmodo review of the Ring?

This is what I never get and I guess it applies to a lot of things in life.. Why do people get so upset about things other people do that does not affect them. (and I use upset because anytime I see post from the ones who don't torrent they very often use name calling and insults). You want to get a copy of something

I can see why people may think what you are saying but Fantastic Four is a poor selling book and has been for awhile now. On top of that the book has been cancelled at least 3 separate times. I thought Jonathan Hickman's run on it was pure genius and some of the best writing in a comic for a long time but the numbers

If only there was some network of information with a service where we could type in these names and learn more. Yes I get the point you are trying to make but if the writers here don't have your interest there are numerous other resources at your finger tips.

Didn't you see Shoot em up. Bugs bunny with weapons actually makes for a great movie. But I do agree with you about Fox. They are terrible and I personally boycott their Marvel movies. And yes I am fully aware that my personal boycott doesn't matter to Fox but I preach it to everyone I can.

If we stop going to these Fox Marvel movies eventually the rights will go to a company that cares about the characters (and money), and making movies.

They do this every year at Disney for Star Wars weekend, it's called D-Tech me. They also provide the service for Disney princesses as well.

Greatest troll ever!

I'd argue that for some of us the New Avengers team is our favorite incarnation of the team and we'd love to see that on the big screen. Minus wolverine of course because that will never happen sadly.

i bought 4 gift cards and only got 1 10$ credit. It may be per order of gift cards? So buy one then go back in and buy another.

Person of color is not a reference to the shade of your skin. If you are a Hispanic with ancestor from Spain with blonde hair and blue eyes you are still a Hispanic/non white/minority. But I can't knock your opinion of it applying to all low income people who can't afford t o go.

I'll have you know that Johnathan Hickman's recent run on Fantastic Four was pure brilliance!!

It also isn't on netflix or Amazon Prime.