I’m a tool for your pleasure, use me.
I’m a tool for your pleasure, use me.
“Balls” in baseball seem to stem from calling a pitch a ball. They were called ‘fair balls’ if they were good pitches. There was no set number of ‘balls’ that led to a walk, but rather the umpire would warn you if you failed to give good pitches to the batter and if you persisted after a number of warnings, they would…
I saw her on the trail!
-Lennay Kekua
As Bob Costas said on a recent CNN appearance, there’s no anthem being played before movies or plays. Why is it played before sporting events?
In response to questions one and two, why do you hate America?
This is what I posted on FB after watching this video earlier this evening. I’m now just waiting for my mouth-breathing childhood Texas friends and relatives to go apeshit in the comments. Wish me luck:
Aside from being a correct and good action to take, it would also cause a collective aneurysm over at WEEI. So I’m all for it.
I’m a Navy veteran. I respect Villanueva’s decision like I respect everyone’s decision to kneel but fuck I know now people are gonna look at what Villanueva did and say “See this/what the troops/vets think of this!” And paint us with a broad brush.
It’s a sign of a really shitty union if you’re expecting the Executive Director to make those stands. Either the players are willing to miss paychecks for that or they’re not. It’s really not on Smith.
I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.
Now that I’ve liberated myself from fantasy football, I actually enjoy hearing people talk about their team. It evokes a combination of pity and amusement and relief.
Hey, we’re 3-0 in the Darnold Bowl, which is what really matters....
Jesus are you in a 4 team league?
I think the problem lies more with the fact that offenses are more reliant on good QB play to a far higher degree now than in the era you cited. Teams could win with a Dilfer or a Collins then. It’s much harder now.
#TomBradyThinks adequate means something completely different than what it actually means.
“Tom Brady, the Gwyneth Paltrow of sports”
“Tom Brady, the Gwyneth Paltrow of sports,” is hands-down the best take ever.
“If I want to respond to somebody on social media, I just march up into the stands and punch them.”