
yeah we don’t care about you california. Sunday Homestyle Chicken is fucking bomb

Redbox also played a large role in killing Blockbuster.

You’ve never played 21? You go back to 85 of course!

You’ve never played 21? You go back to 85 of course!

no one guards anyone & the final score is 157-149

i honestly hate both teams. lebron is an insufferable basketball ass-hat (seems to be a good dude off the court though). but man i possibly hate the warriors even more. i’d love to see that bitch ass kevin durant chase a pretty much guaranteed ring & then not win it.

yeah not like jordan had to go through the celtics, pistons, lakers to get his first 3 or the pacers or knicks to get his 2nd 3. fact, the teams the bulls played in the east back then were MILES better than anyone in the east that lebron has beaten. & don’t give me the broken down, end of their run, celtics.

because he can put him on first without a rocket shot to the body

but ruined by some trully awful officiating & mistakes in a 4 minute span.

Should not be reviewable. But even if this was I still can’t see how they call that conclusive from the angles shown on TV. His skate was probably off the ice but certainly wasn’t conclusive in the video.

Kelowna Red Deer... or some shit. Always with the junior hockey teams from East Bumfuck Northern Provinces.

yeah brutal non-call. it was so obvious & pretty much lead directly to their 1st goal. but sid ain’t gonna get called for penalties in a stanley cup final. them’s just the facts.

But this was something else.

a bad call? buddy there were like 3 of them that led directly to a goal & a disallowed goal.

NOPE. They paid $10 & got $1 back. They have exactly $9.00 less than they had when they walked in. They paid $9.00 even.

um... i’m fucking flabbergasted. and i’m an accountant!

um... i’m fucking flabbergasted. and i’m an accountant!

I absolutely FUCKING HATE that those were called fouls. Yeah it’s a nice play but there is no foul to be called on either of those plays. HE initiated the contact. This is why the NBA sucks now. That & the super teams. Fuck this shit.

and once it goes into the stands it’s not a live ball anymore you fucking moron

you for real? is he supposed to just let the guy play the ball from his lap? are you fucking stupid or something?