I don’t know, the 2011 Bruins & the 2012 Kings had got goalies. But again, they also just played pretty well.
I don’t know, the 2011 Bruins & the 2012 Kings had got goalies. But again, they also just played pretty well.
not if he’s saying things that are wrong
haha brilliant
But I digress....
eh college in the south is super cheap comparatively. i went to school in florida at a state school. do not think you have to go to whatever $50K a year liberal arts college your rich friend is going to. community college & then state school. that’s the path.
Cool, let’s see how the Philando Castille murder goes? I’m guessing not guilty.
I’m already nervous as shit when I get pulled over by police... & I’m white. Cannot imagine the fear I would have if I was black. I’d probably piss myself anytime I saw blue lights. It’s fucking crazy this shit keeps happening, shooting unarmed black people ON CAMERA EVEN & still getting away with it.
is there really even a difference?
yes, obama doesn’t commit murders. he’s just black, which is all they need to hate him
the whole city of Boston Chanting the n word at players
he’s spoiling us all with his talents again.
so you want 20 out of 24 teams in the playoffs?
lemme guess, you’re like 24 years old?
yeah i don’t think that’s what happened here. but stay woke!
as to point 1, can we just accept that his fucking wife may actually know if he had a fucking concussion?
he wont say shit, he’s a company man
yeah its super fucking doubtful the wife of an nfl player would know about concussions her husband suffered. who talks to their spouse about such private matters? even if he did tell her, she should just shut the fuck up about it. we pats fans are more entitled to tom bradys skills than she is to having her husband…
wow a kid big enough to play LT or PF who plays CF? what a fucking athlete you got there.
EXACTLY!!!! got damn people. this overly pc bullshit is killing me. it was a harmless statement. settle the fuck down. this is how you get trump