superstitious blackcat

Can someone explain to me what the motivation for having children is? There’s no logical reason I can think of at this point in the history of mankind and our planet to continue to have children. Actually I think we’re overdue for a culling of the herd. After that happens then by all means commence reproduction, but

Everything else can be handled with a screen. Cram a few movies on your iPad/Kindle/phone and you should be set.

My 11 month old will be flying for the third time soon. The painters tape might work. He’s too young for most other distractions listed.

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

Want to bring up to everyone that this is in Florida, in a murky pond, at night, right after a big water-disturbing commotion.

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.