Serra Behymer

I know it's an old meme, but it REALLY applies here...

Jesus, is it big spender day at Gizmodo? :P

Makes sense that the boost it gives would strengthen your heart over time, as long as you are healthy enough to handle it and don't already have heart problems.

Yeah, I suck with getting rebates sent in on time, I'll pass on this one!

Didn't Mythbusters already prove that there wouldn't be a problem allowing electronics to be running on planes while in flight?

It's true, I have a couple of $2 bills that I have had since 2005. No matter how desperate I get, I won't spend them!

It's all about Seedboxes and private torrent sites. That's what I did after I got my second warning sent to my isp from WB. Torrenting is never safe unless you go with these two options together.

This shit is getting REALLY old!

Artists are just too fucking greedy! This all started with Metallica getting Napster shut down by whining "Waaah, we have MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars, we are soooo poor! We don't want anyone who can't afford it (but loves us) to download our music for free!" ><

Does texting on Trillian count? I only talk to one person regularly, and we always talk through Trillian on our phones. :P I'll vote with that counting.

Nope, sure don't. Though I am going to be very tempted to when Pebble comes out!

I'm glad that someone did this! I really liked it when I saw it on the Windows system previously!

I'm actually a bit shocked at how many people use two monitors, like I do. I thought that it was a lot more uncommon!

That is some weird shit!

It was a time sensitive matter. While they were getting the court order, people could have been killed. What if your family was in there and got killed, would you be saying the same thing then?

It isn't working to change the dock for me. It still stays the same, except for it will change the open app indicator graphic. Otherwise, the main dock skin is not changed.

This is actually a pretty impressive site, also looks good.

Makes sense. People who mess up such things with grammar are either lazy or stupid. One of my pet peeves is someone who messes up "their, there, and they're" and "you're and your". We learned that shit in the 3rd grade, don't you think it's about time you got the hang of it?

Thought that said "Perfectly Poisoned Pasteries" there for a second. Homicidal Gizmodo!

Nope, I'm in the US, no outlook here either.