Cinnamon all of the way! It's very pretty, easy to work with, and seems to have grown so much since it first came out!
Cinnamon all of the way! It's very pretty, easy to work with, and seems to have grown so much since it first came out!
Freakin awesome article, I'm going to get and use almost everything on this list!
I would really love to see an article like this, but for Owncloud. I recently found out the joys of Owncloud on the new more relaxed hosting provider I chose, and I would really love to see some good apps especially. If you go to the Owncloud apps site, there are a freakin billion of them! Love to see some good…
For the love of all things good and holy, roll the toilet paper OVER! If I am at your house and it's rolled under I will change that shit (no pun intended!) to being rolled over!
To me, this is one of those "Duh" things.
I'm going to have to go with 7 inches.
Hee hee, actually I just got married a month ago. :P
I believe in being honest with everyone... except with my grandmother. And the only reason I'm not honest with her and hide things from her is that I don't want to hear her bitching until the end of time. (She only knows about half of the 11 tattoos I have, I tell her I'm going somewhere closer when I decide to go…
I hear you about the not being able to strike up conversations with random people thing. I only have seriously 4 friends, all of whom are my best friends, people who I can tell anything to. I prefer it that way, I don't like casual friends that I can't tell everything to.
Sure thing! One of the nice things about being solo was being able to play Texas Hold Em for as long as I wanted without worrying about leaving my friend behind to be on his own, as he didn't know how to play that game. I always feel bad if I'm at a casino with someone who doesn't know how to play, as I have to…
Introvert for sure. I have a hard time letting people in, and only have around 4 friends, all of which I consider to be my best friends. My view is that in order for someone to be my friend, I have to be able to tell them anything and vice versa. I don't like having casual friends or acquaintances.
I learned to love traveling solo on my second trip to Las Vegas. The first year I went, one of my best friends went with me for my birthday. The year after that, I decided to go again to Las Vegas for my birthday, but this time everyone I knew was either busy or too broke to go.
Indeed I do, I use the Fitbit Flex. I find that it actually motivates me to try to meet the goals that I have set up on the website for myself. It is on my wrist all of the time, so there is no fuss with figuring out where to put it or trying to keep track of the device. I love it!
Yes, yes I would. I would even do illegal things if I wouldn't get caught, but with the way things are now, it's hard to get away with that stuff. Cameras everywhere, pay before you pump in most places, etc.
I think that since it is a private business, it's allowed to do whatever it wants, actually. It's just like e-cigs, a business doesn't legally have to let you smoke them in their establishment, even though they are legal. When it comes to a business, they can pretty much decide what they do and don't want.
The only thing this app does for me is jerkily attempt to record something and then when I hit stop, it reboots my phone. Galaxy S4.
It's happened so many times to me that it just rolls off my back now. My grandfather that I lived when when I was 10, a childhood friend when I was little, a casual friend of mine, a classmate who was a friend of a friend and casually my friend, an exboyfriend, my Uncle several years ago, my Brother a couple of years…