
So neither of these men have played lacrosse is years. Your title should read "Young men who went to a prep school together years ago and may/may not have played on the same lacrosse team (based on the age difference) arrested for alleged drug ring". I just don't really get the lax bro reference. The high school coach

So neither of these men have played lacrosse is years. Your title should read "Young men who went to a prep school together years ago and may/may not have played on the same lacrosse team (based on the age difference) arrested for alleged drug ring". I just don't really get the lax bro reference. The high school coach

So neither of these men have played lacrosse is years. Your title should read "Young men who went to a prep school together years ago and may/may not have played on the same lacrosse team (based on the age difference) arrested for alleged drug ring". I just don't really get the lax bro reference. The high school coach