
Who would’ve thought such poor takes could come from someone with actual access to the players? Someone should make a blog about that.

Would Fisher take the job? At best it seems like a lateral move, and with the recent slashing of the school budget by the kooks at the state house it actually looks (from the outside) more like a step down.

I really hope this doesn’t distract from his on-field perf...oh wait. Fuck him.

I missed the game but the +/- stats on the ESPN box score are ridiculous. The Warriors played twelve guys, and 8 of them gave positive contributions (+58!). The Clips? Only 9 guys and only Jordan with a positive contribution. I guess the easy way to beat Golden State is to strip down some of the roster. Looking at the

I’d like Bourdain’s insults a lot more if he’d ever created a recipe anyone cared about. Not saying Fieri has either (though I’ve never eaten anything from him), but Bourdain’s criticism is a lot like Pitchfork. It’s great to market something, but doesn’t really tell you anything about it.

There’s not very much college football coverage on Deadspin. I love the site I just always wondered why that is.

Who knew we’d ever miss the steadying hand of Tony Romo in the locker room?

lmao. That was a magical moment. Well done.

The surprising part is there only seems to be one man in Buffalo heavy enough to break a folding table. I’m currently in a town of 35k and there’s way more here.

“First of all, any negative talk about J.T. Barrett is that crap that comes from the south end of a north-facing male bovine. I am old enough not to give much for political correctness.”

Sure it’s a lie, but no one even bothered to check on this for like twenty years. President or not, Ben Carson is definitely getting asked to redo my CV.

This is a really beautiful review, and I’m extremely pleased to know this game had a directly positive effect on you. Hope things continue to improve.

At least we still have The Undefeated!

That list is a thing of phenomenal beauty. When the AP description of a game states (#36), “The Dolphins faked a field goal, tried a pooch punt instead and netted 2 yards. They had a 6½-minute drive that barely reached midfield,” but then continues with, “But the ugliest moment came in the third quarter...” you know

I loved every bit of Human Target. The second season made it clear they weren’t exactly sure what to do with the show, but it was incredibly fun and the three main characters had a surprising amount of chemistry.

I already knew enough about the guy to greatly dislike him, but now I wonder if I’ve ever even seen a picture of him. Is the goatee new? It’s horrible.

Now playing

Who was a great actor during the Clinton administration, a great actor every year the Patriots won a championship, and the greatest actor ever to star in an orange juice commercial? Only one man can make that claim.

Explorers never had a timing belt; they’ve all had chains, and unfortunately (for some of those 4.0s anyway) I literally mean chains.

It would appear so. Maybe we should just forget we ever saw that and day drink.