Lindsay Ross

As a former Hawai’i resident, I wanna say with all the authority I can muster skip the convertible, especially if you are from Ohio. You’ll burn to a crisp in about 2 mins. The only people who drive convertibles are tourists on day 1 and most of them look like they have sun stroke. Taco is the way to go or a minivan

Its easy to MAKE money on a Toyota truck as well. They go for a $4-5k premium over mainlander pricing. It only costs like $1,500-2k to ship from LA port. I dont know why more people dont make this a business.....

This is actually a really responsible take. EV’s are actually surprisingly fun to drive with the instant torque. 

The answer is always Pinzgauer:

Came here to say the same thing.  You’ll at least look like a local on day one

Buy an EV. You won’t be taking any long road trips, Hawaii is flush with renewable energy, and gas is hella expensive.

If you’ve ever been to Hawaii you’ll know the answer is a Toyota truck.

I can have one in two years. You have to wait another 12 I believe.

There are so few car companies as poetically batshit as TVR. I believe one of the factory color options on the Sagaris was called “Dark Fantasy.

I’m not sure why they couldn’t just put some screens in...

The only reason those people are dead is because the people trying to pull them from the wreckage can’t figure out how the doors open.

I can see it now.

Think you will find that it became the Lotus Esprit Mk1

howMan, I love this so much. How’d you make it?

This photo is from an alternate universe where BMW built good looking cars.

Can we stop saying stuff like this disregards the laws of physics? THE REASON THIS WORKS IS BECAUSE OF AN IN DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!

I had a latte, but I drank it.
