Says Concourse at the top of the page. I think you guys are fucking with us.
Says Concourse at the top of the page. I think you guys are fucking with us.
Is there REALLY a difference?
The stink of Gawker permeates all the sub boards.
You are the complete definition of a LJW.. You sound so much up your own ass it’s ridiculous.
Really? She had the best perspective on the situation; how is her opinion irrelevant? Oh, because you have formulated your own opinion? I get it now.
Don’t make this shit about work.
Now to work for three hours and then see what this has degenerated into...
Don’t make this shit about race. Literally any quarterback would be getting grief for this. It doesn’t matter what happens if that fumble goes the other way and he should have at least made an effort for the ball.
Anyone remember Purple Passion? Came in a 2 liter bottle, looked like grape soda, tasted like Dimetapp? DELICIOUS.
Actually it’s awful. He’s German. It’s just an incredible coincidence it happens to look like Japanese.
Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.
You shouldn’t take a hammer to your iPhone, it voids the warran-
Wu Ke mistake.
Catless downpipe yo! Mine makes MAD POWAR! Stage 2 bro!
Your first warning should have been the fact that you were in a Volkswagen dealership, buying a Volkswagen. Lots of warning there...
Came here for the Dart-ended up reading an awesome article! Thanks
windshield washer attack - effective and kind.