
My understanding is that "Why?" is indeed the third question because EVERYONE has had to kill other humans at some point in order to survive.  So Rick can't necessarily hold that against them until he knows exactly why they did it.  This makes the crazy lady's answer all the more tragic when she says she's only killed

My interpretation of the "I like animals" line is simply the observer referring to the "primitive" humans as animals.  That's it.

I've been trying to get a Nielson Box, how have I never thought of this?!?

I agree completely.  This is not the type of show that is driven by its "star power."  All of the other actors got their first big starts on "Community," so they probably feel grateful to even be there.  Perhaps Chase is more under the impression that they are lucky to have him and it should be his show.  That's

It's never fun to hear about drama behind the scenes of my favorite shows, but I can't say I'd miss Chevy Chase a whole lot if he left.  "Community" is a lot bigger than any one of its stars, especially the one star who might feel like he's "better" than this show.  Although, if Donald Glover left, I'd probably cry

I have to agree with you.  I'm shocked as well that so many people disagree.  My side hurts!