
A new Edgar Wright movie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any new Marvel movie.

He's the Simmons Oscar deserves but not the one it needs right now.

Right on. But let them do it for another Coen Bros. movie that is NOT 'Lebowski 2'. I'll be the first in line for that.

I don't like your sports coverage.
I don't like your weather report.
I don't like your horoscope section.

I wanted 'Anchorman 2'. I got my wish. I wanted to take my wish back. Please gods, leave 'Lebowski' be.

Those stupid media tabloids, THEY'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKING AMATEURS!!


Yeah. Send him after Kim jong-un next time. Patriotism, baby.

Or maybe a quality SNK fighting game that became lost over time. I love SNK fighting games.

It's amazing that he was able to craft a sequence at age 26 that 99% of the filmmakers would not be able to do so in their whole entire lives.

O'Neal should just put out a 'My year of flops' book like Rabin did which collects ALL his entourage articles and fake scripts. I'd buy the shit out of that.

Culminating in 'The Brovengers' with characters from 'Entourage' , 'Suits' and 'The Hangover' movies coming together for one EPIC bro-down.

Entourage has a fanbase? First I've ever heard of such an entity.

Easy. Just go to a bar with your bros and start doing jaeger shots for half an hour and it'll all make sense,bro.

Also, it's so shamefully out of touch. Marky Mark and Doug Ellin REALLY think people want THIS, despite all evidence to the contrary.

"Dick Laurent is dead"

The money wasted on this could have gone to making 3 great independent movies. We've got great filmmakers struggling for financing ,meanwhile Marky Mark gets to put up his nonsensical 'passion project' on screen.

Don't you mean.. running out the 'cock'??


Let's all start a petition to get O'Neal to review this NO MATTER WHAT.