Joe Santoro

0. I made my character exactly how I wanted to the first time and can hold off on a new one for subsequent playthroughs of other classes. Never been one to restart 10 times and replay the first 4 hours over and over or juggle multiple characters at the same damn time. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Awesome, but I'll just wait for my cat to become a bit fatter instead.

I gotta be honest: I just jumped back into Xenoblade and as much as I love the game I kinda feel like it's too big.

It's coming to get you. That's the first signs of a PS4 Zombie Apocalypse.

Tyson is handicapped. They shouldn've hit select before the first round (you can tell from Doc's arm moving faster than normal and the life bar depleting). Gotta save that for the second round if you want more energy, but I'd always decline as it takes away some of your offensive fire power.

He's playing on a Retron 5

what do you mean? You guys just have 'garbage'? Ontario, Canada has 3 bins, waste, paper, plastic. At least the 4 near me do.

I've played Destiny just about every night for the past ~6 weeks and I've barely run into any problems. (In fact, I've been kind of astonished at how stable the servers have been, for the most part.)

For gaming tasks, not that much, surprisingly. A good i5 performs much the same as a good i7. In rare case, you might get a handful of extra frames per second, which is nothing to be sniffed at, but most games are going to get identical results or the loss of 1fps (which you could call a margin of error).

I just parted it out with Google searches, and got a cost of about $2800. The kicker is the video card, which costs more than the rest of the parts combined. You'd could literally just buy a decent one $300 every year for that price, and in five years have a better card then you're buying now.

You CAN build this type PC for half this price, I did. Thing is you do not need most of those parts for gaming to achieve those benchmarks in those type of games. 4790K? Nope that's absurd this isn't a productivity machine, get a 4670K. Titan Z, again, just not necessary whatsoever, you'll get roughly the same

2.8 million is a very impressive number from a developer on its last legs who only makes games for their own systems. Can we not add that in to the article? The positive part, not the negative connotations that "Well it's alright, but it isn't the same as a game on 3 other platforms."?