
I have represented HOAs and have represented residents in suits against HOAs, and currently have a case brewing that is very similar to this one. Those are some of the nastiest, must hateful cases I deal with. I will never, ever live in a place controlled by a HOA/POA/COA.

I will not buy a Harley, even though I am a motorcycle rider, because i) ride twisty roads in the mountains, and Harleys ride too low and drag in the turns (I ride a VStrom 1000, road end of dual sport range); ii) they are more about lifestyle and look, than ride (I don’t want to wear one of their bandanas, and I

While it was FOIA , not discovery, having represented government’s responding to these requests before, I treated it similarly. But I don’t think it was laziness my the school, it was more likely that they trusted him to much. They printed out the records, handed them to him to mark out his personal calls, and handed

I represented a client once who got in her car to get cigarettes on a hot day while drinking by the apartment pool. She turned the car on for the air conditioning then passed out. The door shut (she was on an incline). The car never moved. In NC if you are behind the wheel and the car is running, that is operating a

There isn’t a hill at the other end of the stadium, and the running down The Hill is the part that gets the players and fans fired up. The Rock is in addition.

I wonder what the father would say if some big dude has 20 minutes of action up his son’s ass while he is jail? Assuming it was non-consensual.

I always wonder why many motorcycle riders who wear their sleeveless, skull & crossbones statement clothing don’t wear those every day. I ride and I wear safety gear, but am not trying to make a lifestyle statement. You want to make a statement, you want to show people you got balls? Wear that shit every day. I may

Insert “Sarkisian” for “Manziel” in that last paragraph and see how that reads. People laughed at Sarkisian’s lawsuit yesterday but there is at least some basis to it.

Brady is running the Lance Armstrong playbook, Volume I, not realizing a completely revised Volume II has been published.

Don't they sell those in SkyMall?

I am a lawyer, and sometimes you don't have good facts to work with. And if you have a client that has nothing to lose, you go to trial. There are many times, particularly in criminal cases, that I have gone to trial fully expecting to get my ass kicked, and in those situations often do (but not always). But you do

You would think that FSU would have learned from Penn State, and Watergate, but obviously not. They should be treated similarly. I hate this on many levels. It makes me sick.

As a Clemson graduate, this makes me sick. If coaches and administrators allowed this type behavior to occur, they should be fired immediately. Any players still there should lose their scholarships. Those players, coaches, and administrators are an embarrassment to Clemson, and all of them should be permanently

I had to look up "shart," then laughed uncontrollably for several minutes

Thankfully I quit getting Sirius, so I will not have to stumble across this buffoon.