Super Saiyan Blue

All I’m sayin’ yo.

Let’s be kind to our GOP brethren. There is no need to shove the rise of Trump in anybody’s face. When necessary, remind people of what can happen but let’s remember that nobody won in this election.

Yeah, extending the olive branch worked so fucking well when Turtleman McConnell responded by saying his primary legislative objective was to make President Obama a one-term president. Fuck them all to hell.

Exactly. As long as the polls remain the same, I think Obama should threaten to pull the Garland nomination if they don’t hold a confirmation vote in the next 2 weeks. Then Hillary should nominate a Ginsberg clone who is in their 40's. Obama gave them a fair compromise pick and they ignored it. There needs to be

Unfortunately, this is useless because it assumes those voting for Trump have a remedial grasp of the English language. Personally, this is not an assumption I’m willing to make.

I wholeheartedly reject this idea. The GOP has done nothing to warrant being treated by anything less than children. They’ve fucked this country up since 2001 and have brought it damn near to a standstill since 2009. They get nothing. They don’t get points for losing their campaigns and standing by this clown for so

I saw this on the interwebs somewhere - not sure who it’s attributed to - but god damn it is spot on and worth a re-post elsewhere.

I’m tired of my Facebook feed getting cluttered with false equivalency. “Both candidates are bad, can we get a do over? Lol!”

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

I haven’t seen a female knock the hell out of someone like that since... well since last night at the debate I guess

This. I’m tired of this bullshit that she’s some uniquely weak candidate. We’re not supposed to talk about it, but we’re going to look back at this and realize how much of her difficulty in being a frontrunner was little more than the result of her being a woman to an electorate fighting against history.

It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

When the hammer drops and we have to go to war over the Swift / Perry Divide, I will be, now and forever, in the trenches for team Perry.

I genienuely love Katy Perry, she’s just fun. She makes great pop music, is influenced by 90s artists I like, is like Lisa Frank come to life, can be too cool one minute then a big dork the next. Plus I like her Covergirl lipstick. And at least she’s interested in politics and wants to use her name/brand to do

Personally I think Marion Cotillard is much more beautiful than Ang. Everybody has their preferences! It is a bummer that Marion’s such a conspiracy theorist nutjob though.

I was rather charmed by the show, but I’ll watch Kristen Bell in anything.

Well, even if a man rapes a woman, it's not his fault. Blame his wife!!

I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.

Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.