Super Robot Pilot!!!!

Yeah I know, and I'm with you on that. I bought the collection for Resurrection, and stopped buying Flash collections after that.

The Flash was good in the 90s, but sadly it's not the 90s Flash that's coming back.

What the show runners should do: read all the Mark Waid written Flash stories (even though they're mostly for Wally West) and take from that what they can, whether it be specific story ideas or just general characterizations.

I've often wondered just how soon did Bates know about Crisis On Infinite Earths. There's definitely some wheel-spinning during the trial, like Superman taking three issues to render a decision regarding Flash's continued membership in the Justice League of America. It's possible Bates never intended for things to

Gotta disagree with most of the list. These are the things that make the Flash different and interesting. Sure, they're challenges, but what's a TV show without creative challenges? Just more TV.

All good points. At this point, we just have to wait and trust that the showrunners will treat it with the respect a hero of his standing deserves. His show should DEFINITELY be lighter in tone than Arrow, that's one thing I hope everyone can agree on during the creative process.

But if you start you analysis by saying they have the ground work due to actors from another show, and said actors are unavailable for those roles, I don't see how that is any different from using actors from the Flash/Arrow universe. You are also assuming CW still has those rights or they aren't limited somehow,

Or it hurts his hand so bad he has trouble opening pickle jars for a week.

Geoff Johns: You know what would be better than Batman? Fast Batman!

I will point out the Flash's character arc over the course of the Justice League and JLI animated series as a rebuttal. Flash started out as fast, by the end he was MUCH more powerful, and when he finally realized his destiny, it was such a fantastic character moment.

9) Killing Barry's Mom in an Immature Attempt to Make Him a Tortured Hero with a Tragic Past

2) The Cosmic Treadmill

I don't agree about the use of time travel and the speed force (I do agree about the treadmill though) but I think those two things are important and could be used to make the show stand out among other shows out there.

Whoa whoa whoa, Rob. Doing away with the Speed Force is a BAD idea. It gives the character SO MUCH room to grow. It gives him so much more depth. I mean, hell, since they're kind of cherry-picking from a few different Flashes to craft his backstory, how about letting him meet another speedster (aside from the obvious

I could see them introducing Jay as an older speedster who sees someone else with similar powers and wants to help him. I would like that. But I do agree that the comics angle would be a little much

1) Barry Allen's Love of Flash Comics

I disagree with the Jay comment.
They could always work it by making it a thing later on if the series is actually good, and then do a movie tie in thing with a Crisis hint in it.
As for time travel, negate that shit.

Three things.

It's things like this that make me wish David Blaine hadn't taught me to hate all forms of magic.