I understand what everyones saying. Spiderman > Iron Man.
I understand what everyones saying. Spiderman > Iron Man.
I always enjoyed how everyone I knew made fun of IM2 because Tony Stark (billionaire super genius) creates a new element in (what seems) no time at all. So lame/stupid.
It's supposed to be one of Hugo Strange's Monster Men.
Comixology's not killing comic shops. Diamond is, and has been for a long time.
holy shit. I clicked on this article because I was expecting this to be on it. Thanks so much
When he said quake with fear so many memories came back.
you can't forget the white armor dual blade attack! Also now I feel old because I remember watching this show back when it was on network tv about 6-7 years b4 toonami ever existed...
This list clearly isn't old school enough. Let me help with that. Anubis from Ronin Warriors would like a word with you.
I so have that issue. When Miller tries his writing is fantastic.
Horrible atrocities. But still only killed a fraction that Stalin did (or, for that matter, what the Chinese did to the Chinese). Calling Stalin's regime "perhaps the most genocidal regime in history" is certainly not a stretch.
Huh! I dug the political thriller stuff, but I totally agree the story-through-action beats were far stronger.
This also helps me nugget my way around the strongest idea of the film, which is that it's a superhero film without an identity crisis at the core of it. Even Cap 1, with its light arc, still had to get Steve…
He's not representative of 1940s America - he's a representative of the American ideals of the 1940s. The same ideals that rallied the nation around the idea of fighting the Nazis because they were murderous, racist scumbags while still turning a blind eye to Jim Crow laws and lynchings back home.
That was so madafacking awesome! Especially because he was really channelling Jules in the scene that preceded it.
He immediately chooses liberty over security, because that's who Captain America is.
I could be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure Steve said something along the lines of "We did stuff we weren't proud of back then, too."
I remember when Captain America was one of my least favorite heroes. He was too "boring", too optimistic. But as I've grown older, I've actually discovered that the cynicism that made me who I am also crippled me mentally and emotionally. The greyness of the world ruined me, turned me into something I never wanted to…
THE FUCKING GUYVER! Oh my God, thank you for bringing this back to my attention. I thought this and Swamp Thing were the coolest weird movies as a kid.
If you don't mind I'll just call it "The Goddamn Snake That Can Breath Underwater And Has The Most Power Venom In The World"...
I'm leaning towards that belief too. However (and this probably dooms it to that fate even more due to the cost) this would probably work really well with Move. Arm and hand tracking with Move would be amazingly accurate, plus those motion controllers have buttons and sticks. Elder Scrolls with Skyward Sword-esque…
lol you PC people are cute.