I Have Super Prowess

Dont put a “smart” lock on your front door. They usually suck anyway. 

Counting down until this game gets canceled for being racist somehow.

You cant win here. All of Kinja and the Gizmodo family is rotten to the core with deflected racism. They cant cope with them being the racists. They do not want people mixing races because they ultimately are the race purists and the only way they can succeed is to try and bully others and gas light them into thinking

Race isnt a costume, the character is a costume. I cant be a Ninja Turtle without dressing up as a turtle. Am I offending the turtles out there by pretending to be one? 

Where is the racism at you fucking dork?

Except there were no racists. She is a titty streamer who got banned for titty streaming and is now crying racist because she couldnt stop violating the rules. She is just mad that she cant compete on other cam sites and lost access to thirsty nerds. 

So people are racist because she is a titty streamer who was banned for drinking and titty streaming before, on her “sexy dancing” channel on a gaming streaming site and is CLAIMING that racists were hurling slurs at her which got her banned? Ya that checks out. 

Lol you are funny. 

To be honest, even if she leaked what color socks he wore, she should be fired. Unless she is leaking something proves corruption or other wrongdoing, she is really not trustworthy. 

Be real, nobody actually uses it in Puerto Rico. 

Shut up.

Nobody uses it.

Nobody uses it. 

Its degrading to the culture of the language. People who speak Spanish use the language the way it is used which means to use it gendered. 

Box checking bullshit. They know nobody uses it, but they want the non-Latin SJWs to not get offended by a term they do not have any right to be offended by anyway. 

Same. Grew up mostly in Melbourne but my stepdad is Cuban so we spent a lot of time in Miami. Literally nobody used “Latinx” because it is just some fucky SJW term that demeans the entire culture of the Spanish language. 

No Latin people use latinx. 

Actually, while you are the one claiming everyone is being judgmental by asking about prices, I think you are generalizing everyone. Personally, I am curious about how much Mia Khalifa made, not because I care what she was willing to do and for how much, but more because men (at least myself and all of the men I know)

Honestly I have tons of consoles and open cartridges that I have no problem using, however I still use the flash carts with roms loaded on it instead of the original cart. 

Maybe if they were legit games, it wouldnt be a big deal, but they are literally just Chaterbate camgirls that are doing double time on Twitch. Cant games have a place that is holy without being called a misogynist