
Wouldn't she have to be high to be walking around in that non-existent furry top?

Perry doesn't look like he would smell badly—just saying….

I was afraid for Celeste when she left Perry like that, you could just see him bubbling over & when he grabbed the chips from the kids.

They mention in the police press conference at the beginning that the victim had many injuries—including some pelvic thing—wonder if that is the one Perry suffered in this episode—can't be that much time in between that he's be fully healed.

I wonder if they will end with a fast-forward collage to see where everyone ends up-at least that would be satisfying for those of us who have watched the whole series.

I think sending this to an ex may be the fastest way to ensure a restraining order.

LMAO! I am not sure what is weirder this video or the fact that it just made my day…

It seems to me like he starts the conversation with that opener, maybe a therapist told him he should try communicating like that, and then it just goes horribly wrong.

I saw that too—the trim moved and buckled a bit

Love him! Keep waiting for the fangs to pop out…

I keep thinking this too—I know she isn't, but it seems a weird contrast. I think Reese is tiny.

I am torn on this too. I'd love some back story on how he and Maddie got together (but probably won't get it), maybe online dating—at first he just seemed like a lonely developer guy with no social skills, but now not sure. If he wasn't married before Maddie he was single for a long time, with apparently no game.

And he played wounded so well when he sheepishly said she threatened to leave him…

I think they are doing something similar to what "The Affair" did with making the kid actor similar to the actor that is supposed to be their father. Ziggy does look a bit like Perry to me-he's very fair and has a fairly bulky build to him.

watch Franken on Bill Maher's recent show (not a fan), he's still got his comedy chops!

She also pulled out the "Do you know who I am?" which made me like her much less.

And Abigail had the birth control…

I think we need to see more of Alexander to make the sexualization less one sided towards woman…just saying…

I agree. I actually think Kidman looks old for the part—not sure how old she is supposed to be with 6 year olds, but it doesn't make sense to me. She looks too old for 40-45, which might make sense, but that would make Skarsgaard 30-35 which seems to young I think for him. And she seemed too old for the SKYPE

I even watched that sitcom he was on New Normal or something and was heartbroken when it was cancelled (even tho it mostly sucked) just to get my Rannells fix!