Supernova: Bullshit Jedi

Theory: Elon keeps getting back together with Amber to collect data to clone her into the Perfect Amber for Elon.

Terrorizing and creating chaos, like the beginnings of the 3rd Reich.

Jack-booted thugs going door to door, demands of complete obedience in law enforcement agencies, and a federal legislative body set to release a completely fabricated propaganda memo that will absolve a “completely innocent Dear Leader” tomorrow.

Guy with no clearance... doesn’t work for the White House anymore.... claiming that the memo’s contents are explosive, implying that he’s seen it. When the House Democrats have to practically pull teeth to see it. Mmm-hmm.

*Everybody* and their crazy rightwing brother has seen this memo, apparently— even though it’s supposedly classified, and sensitive to national security. Hmm!

Dr. Mengele on line 1....

Good to know. I’m sure there will be more and more young people staying there and moving there as the rest of the state becomes more impossible to survive in. Hopefully in a generation the only truly embarrassing representatives will be behind the orange curtain. Central California deserves so much better.

People keep seeing ‘they’re trying to stop her abortion’. And thats all well and good...but its not the biggest issue.

Ok, look...I’m an author, and I like to write and read horror, dystopian, and/or post-apocalyptic fiction. But if I sent an agent a query for a book that replicated everything this goddamned administration has done it’d be turned down as ‘too unrealistic’ and ‘nobody would believe so many people would be so damn evil’.

California doesn’t have gerrymandering anymore; their districts are a drawn by a bipartisan commission.

I think he will be arrested before the voters have a chance to make that decision.

It’s full of farms. The owners of the farms are republicans. But the workers and many of the other people who live in that community are getable. The demographics have an even number of Latinos to Whites.

I personally would love to go to the Fucking Box. It’s by far my favorite kinky corrugated container store.

And then my husband saved the day.

That’s because they’ve given in to this. 45 is what they want. Its what they’ve been told to want for the last 40 years. This started with Nixon’s Republicans, this will end with 45's 60 million followers. 1/3rd of the voting public. He’s got them going, you can see it.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Trump and the GOP’s dismantling of the ACA, resulting in the loss of Medicaid expansion, cuts more than a million people off from access to drug addiction treatment programs.