
….. *blinks* ….

YouTube comments for movie trailers.

Yeah, I'm sure I'll haunt the new place. But just in case the community does collapse, I'll speak my peace. Hopefully we can continue this in the Kinjaverse.

Might as well scream into the darkness. I've been posting here since they first allowed comments (unregistered!), and I've shuffled between a lot of names. I never got into the "cultivate an online persona" thing, so I'd keep burning accounts. But I've been here for a while. This place fucking ruled. Thanks all.

The edit of the movie title intrigues me…

The edit of the movie title intrigues me…

Eh, I have a 15 year old subaru that runs great. I keep in in a garage and wash it frequently, though - so I avoid a lot of the rust/weather related issues that they're known for. Only major repair was the head gaskets at ~150k, and that took me a Saturday to swap.


"See? Women can't be funny." - AV Club

You're being coy and dancing around it, so let me just spell out the implication for you.
"Katie Rich's tweet was a false flag." - ShulkieSmash

Yeah, the fact that he's willing to diagnosis mental illness on a whim like that makes me think he has narcissistic personality disorder.

The writer of this article is so deep, man. It's like so dark that most people won't get it, but I totally do.

Actually, Emily post tends to re-enforce gender norms. But I like the direction you're headed in.

I agree - the misogyny in those things does suck.

Kayne's views on women and trans* issues are fairly problematic.

oh look, mansplaining. Cute.

Why are you so supportive of that pedophile? You have like 50 comments in this thread all defending the man's child abuse.

Fred Willard?

Reported for making jokes about terminal children. You make think that's funny, but I lost a nephew to cancer when he was 8. How about you think about how your comments could affect other people?