
After seeing the headline, I was afraid this was another hit piece on the SJW boogey man. Pleasantly surprised that this article is bashing real censorship, and people who have no right to be offended.

This is targeted at the young white male demo. It's far enough removed from being contemporary that white guys feel safe watching this. You won't see a movie about a modern hip hop artist like lil Jon,, or odd future.

Unless he means letting Tina fey host the Dow on Tuesdays and Thursdays, this is just another meaningless gesture by the established patriarchy.

Huh? I was agreeing with you…

I can't even. People actually can think like this and are still able to breathe. Hey gloss, why don't you try READING A BOOK!

BURN!! Haha, I love it when conservatives try to post here and get completely annihilated like this.

I looked at your comment history, and it seems like you are the troll. Just because some one believes in social justice, that doesn't make them a troll.

your comment is fairly problematic, in that it implies that only men are actively making choices when it comes to sex. Also, the "black men are fundamentally different from white men" is borderline racist.

Nice slut shaming, AV Club. There's nothing wrong with dressing "scantily."

Breaking news: established media is hyping a project by a white, cishetero man!

What's wrong with bringing attention to social justice issues?

Actually, that is racist.

This show is purified bro-culture. What is it about cars that make them interesting only to the dude-liest of dudes?

But I noticed it kept all the characters white. As long as it's whitewashed, avclub will eat it up. I notice that you were totally blind to that Caitlin. If your version of feminism includes minority participation, you should edit your post to be clear that women of color are "real women" too.

its crazy that anyone even needs assault rifles! You can't hunt with them. Most gun nuts have a weird racist undertone.