
There is only one deliriously sexy Dr. Nick!

That is pretty cool NGL

I never liked change

Well that is bullshit sandwich on catshit bread served with dogshit aid

Well I'm done goodbye everybody. I am moving to the AVOCADO

No not really. Hating SJWs means you have at least a subconscious problem with People. Also what do you mean by regular women?

And you've proven yourself to be an avid follower of mine

My aim is to get people to stop bringing up social justice in the negative

My turds will make even the most hardened critic weep with their beauty

there is no option cause it aint bullshit

Ah yes, the ""Dictionary Fallacy" Fallacy" Fallacy

No just women

No but they could say that so men with vaginas know they don't have a shot with that particular dude

And you assume that every "SJW" is wrong when in reality 99.99% of them are right

Well I mean if you are only attracted to a certain type of genitals then maybe you should put that upfront so people of the gender you claim to be attracted to don't waste their time

You clearly understand what the definition says but you have no idea as to its meaning. Being against bigotry does not make one a bigot

You don't


Aw yes the dictionary fallacy

Well if Trans Women are women (they most certainly are) then why wouldn't anyone who is attracted to women be attracted to them