
Did you just fart allover your keyboard?

Gross gross gross.

That's gross. Why would human need litterbox

That is freaky

Vore is a kink I'll Shame until the cows that get off on eating themselves come home


I guess it all comes from liking power so much

I don't know. If I became a movie director I would like to have a production posse. It is just one of those identifying traits of a couple directors

Same here

To be fair that episode is also an affront to evolution

Actually he was credited as Doctor Who for most of the Original series so I myself call him both of those name almost interchangeably

Luke has his own sense of humour though. Beides I'm pretty sure that Lorelai and Christopher are way to similar to each other in ways that make any Romance between the two doomed to failure

Haha that's a cheesy joke

Plus Smith's whole character was a depressed old guy desperately acting young to avoid said depression

I'm weird. I knew what the show was through a wiki wormhole I took looking into lost episodes of Tv shows. I never watched the show though until Matt Smith's first episode

You act as if some of The Doctors weren't Manic Pixie Dream Guys

Kinda bummed he was not Sgt. Slaughter

okey dokey

Oh no I'm with Takei on it. While I'm glad that Star Trek is a little gayer it rubs me the wrong way that a straight actor gets to play the gay version of a straight character played by a gay actor

She really needs better scripts. People are wasting her talents!