
Allons Y! Then

Oh I was just joking because I kinda wanted Atwell in the role

I loved Korra's ending myself. Granted I was shipping them hard since Season One though

I'm with Evil Lincoln on this one

Speaking of which the Doctor Costume for the Doctor Who WoodRocket Porno was actually pretty good

You won't believe how many times I've heard "If The Doctor is a Woman then Romana should come back as a Man"

But what if I want her to?

This article has made a mistake. THey prnted Jodie Whittaker when it should've read Hayley Atwell! FTFY

Upvotes for you then!

With a name like Brexitnow you just know every word they say is dripping with intelligence

I did too!

Or a Young Man who just gets all Doe eyed at the sight of The Doctor doing something Badass

How about a Gay Best Friend with a dry snarkiness then?

I'm in several WHO fan groups on Facebook and there is always a vocal minority who insist that The Doctor is essentially a man and making him a woman destroys something about the character

Yeah my favorite Voyager character is The Doctor because Robert Picardo actually managed to make most of his dialogue sound at least decent

But Mulgrew's desperate attempts to act the scripts into decency was one of the few highlights of that show!

If there is not a real life Gynecologist called Dr. Womb I'll eat my hat

Maybe we can get a 10th Doctor Cameo somehow figuring they both starred on Broadchurch together

I'm sure Leela gave several young Who fans confusing crushes back in the day

Moffat was a good writer but a scattershot showrunner so here's hoping Chibnall is better