
And I love it!

So there favorite species are the Ferengi?

That one where Janeway and Paris get turned into animals?

I mean I laughed at conflating the ol fandom berserk button of calling The Doctor "Doctor Who" with thinking the show is just called The Doctor. So YMMV I guess?

Resurrect The Colonel! No I am not a madman

Way to be fun killer. With your strawmanning


well hopeless idiots and a disgruntled George Takei

Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Jodie Whittaker

This is the greatest two things ever!

I think it comes down to "Me No Like Change" Which is really odd considering change is the show's middle name

Wow this is actually a pretty good choice! Also my fan wishings that they'd cast a woman have finally came true

That's why I think it would be amazing on the Tv screen

This is a dream team for me (Plus Kirkman) I'm sure this will be must watch tv for me

Ok But a Riverdale/Punisher Crossover would be legit amazing

Hell yeah. Especially if they release a licensed rap song for the movie

Don't get confused. We don't run because we are intimidated

Everyone is making this joke

Tax Gonna give it to ya or IRS X not gonna give it to ya

That does seem to suggest that Drumph may be a soviet sleeper agent