
If you shout these words loud enough they might actually mean something. No they actually won't mean a thing

Define light treason cause this sounds pretty heavy

Is Trump Jr Fake news now?

The Cracked Podcast episode this week is all about the rise of the Summer Blockbuster and Schmitty is joined by Tom Reiman and Abe Epperson. Topics like this are right up Cracked's wheelhouse and consequently they knock it outta the park

I am not a sports fan (I'm familiar with Football & Basketball) but 30 For 30 never fails to entertain me. They do really good work

I use adblock so no ads for me

This oddly works

Is it bad that I want to see this?

I eagerly await my piece of your childhood


Exactly. Ceaser and his posse aren't raising a good case for why they need the planet

We can prosecute two things

I think this is California

Is It bad that I always root for the humans in these movies?


Oh my god lol talk about a typo

What did you say?

Oh no?

I think it is high time we shut down fox news

It is not sad to expect people face consequences for spouting hateful rhetoric