
The Popular candidate should win no matter what. Besides these electors kept the faith and look where it gor us

Sometimes action is necessary to get what you want. Words don't work 100% of the time

Identity politics are not nonsense they are an important part of politics that too many try to avoid

It is not true we got Trump because the electoral college failed to do its job and elect the most qualified and most voted for candidate

appropriating the words of others does not a leftist make

Now you are using the old This is what got us trump cliche

What is actually hilarious is that you think freedom is letting people get exposed to constant abuse and insults because it would be wrong to tell people to be nice to each other

An individual can not censor another individual only governments can do that


Thanks and It will be a damn good movie to boot

It is amusing how classical liberals still think they are leftists

No just guide their hands so they know where you want them. It is like blocking the shot

Sure I'm the one who's embarrassing themselves and not the person angrily blaring right wing talking points

Muslim insults are couched in racism sorry if I'm against people being racist. Also remember the right to swing your arm ends with my nose so being an ass in public should not be protected speech

It is not damaging to free speech if private entities stop doing something out of decency. It is only censorship when the government does it

Oh so you're just a douchebag libertarian then

Aww… Poor little right wing asshole doesn't understand that racism is wrong

How are they the voice of reason

Probably yeah

No you don't. You say you do but if you did you wouldn't be spouting off Bullshit like the regressive left