
The Terrorists win when they cost Hillary the election

Those presidents (except Ike) didn't go far enough this country needs to be dragged away from its conservative politics and over reliance on capitalism and it won't happen if presidents keep making concessions to the Business class like the Bushes did or the Military like Kennedy did

Bernie Bros aren't the type to watch anything made by women

Wow you're really Russian to conclusions about the 2016 election

Hmm have you ever had a stick up your bum?

Not really. She was the shoe in until like a week before when Comey sold us all down the river

Is X cost Hillary the election the new fill in the blank joke?

Don't fall for the cult of centrism. Not every right answer falls in the middle of the two sides. Trying to get what you want that way will only result in an ever increasing amount of unsatisfying compromises

Please Clap

I'm partial to the Orange Vulgarian

It's like that joke is nothing at all.
Nothing at all
Nothing at all

And Uwe Boll could've made a good movie

Is the title being changed to [Bleep] My President Says?

Has there ever been a good video game adaptation?

Nah that's Mr. Mime


It's Muk or nothing for me

Charihard is the best starter bar none

Shark Tank but somehow a game show now and also Steve Harvey is here

Is it really a masterpiece or is this internet sarcasm?